Submitting content

If you haven’t already, please read carefully the publisher’s page to know what we can offer and if you are eligible before sending Third Siren your content.

  • Send us a blurb about the product you wish to promote through the Third Siren. Focus on product strong points, features, cool stuff. Funny blurbs are better.
  • Attach pictures of your product, but consider we usually can use only one of them. Choose carefully! Best size is 1024×768, but it’s not mandatory – we’ll edit the images for the newsletter.
  • Give us the active link we should use on our newsletter. Usually the best link is your website product page.
  • Give us a special offer for our subscribers. The offer can be included in our link or you can give us a special discount code. If the code is exclusive and with a close expiration date, better.

Send everything (blurb, pictures, link, discount) to

We’ll decide if your content is suitable for the Third Siren. If yes, we’ll write you back – Congratulations!

How we work

  • We’ll prepare your section in our Third Siren newsletter and will send it back to you for approval. We’ll also tell you an indication when the newsletter will be sent.
  • We’ll include in our newsletter other content (products from other creators/companies, news, cool things).
  • We’ll decide what content will be placed on top and which one will be placed on bottom. Many factors will influence our choice.
  • When it’s time, we’ll share the newsletter with all our subscribers.
  • If everything went well, your site should start selling after few minutes we have shared our newsletter. You’re welcome.

You’re here for mistake, and you just want to join the newsletter?

Click here to subscribe